Entries by AdminBMedia


The Best 3D Billboards

Especially in our era of digital media, advertisements which utilizes real-life 3D space are often overlooked by creative agencies. Billboards offer advantages and freedom that other mediums such as banner ads won’t be able to compete with. Here are some of the best and most creative examples of 3D billboards from a variety of companies […]

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15 Most Creative Billboard Ads

Anyone who’s ever driven down the highway can tell you that not all outdoor media is created equally. Some fail to stand out, most are straightforward and simple. But there are a select few creative billboard ads that really make an impression – and those are the ones that we want to learn from. There […]


Funny Billboard Mistakes

Outdoor media has always been an industry filled with creativity. We live in a world where most people witness thousands of advertisements every single day, so being different and cutting through the noise is crucial for anyone who wants to get their message across. Humor is often an angle advertisers take to reach potential customers. Sometimes […]


A Billboard of Coupons from Burts Bees

In October of 2012, personal care products company Burt’s Bees created a unique interactive billboard campaign for their new Intense Hydration line. The billboard is not your typical billboard; Burt’s Bees got creative, redefining billboards and how customers interact with them. As a result, the campaign was quite successful. What was the Burt’s Bees Intense […]

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Using Magic in Billboards

Advertising is often thought of as pretty straightforward, and it can be tempting to follow boring formulas to try to get your message across to consumers. But, there’s one thing that many people forget: advertising can be magical! When making an effort to push the limits of what’s possible, you might just be surprised at […]


McDonald’s Put Up a Billboard for Burger King

Billboards are a classic site alongside roads throughout the world, but most of them are fairly similar. They have roughly the same dimensions, don’t contain too much information, and are designed to get a simple message across to people who won’t have much time to view it. On the other hand, quality billboards go much […]

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A Billboard that Coughs at Smokers

Doctors used science long ago to prove that smoking is an extraordinarily unhealthy habit, and it can lead to a large number of medical conditions. Also, it’s expensive, causes damage to buildings, bothers others, and has many other negative effects. Even with all of these reasons to stop smoking, people still do it. A lot […]


The Best Super Bowl Ads of 2017

The Super Bowl is the time of year when the best teams prepare to compete with each other. Tons of planning has gone into a specific strategy, and they want to be the most talked about group after the game is over. When it ends, only one advertisement can be the best, but it can […]