Entries by AdminBMedia

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Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

To a certain extent, advertising can be a trial and error process. Not all marketing campaigns start out great, right off the bat. Most successful strategies are built on little errors businesses weed out over time by measuring advertising effectiveness. What’s the Importance of Measuring Advertising Effectiveness? Sure, you can equate a sudden influx of […]

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Do I Need a Passport to Visit Puerto Rico?

If you are an American citizen considering visiting Puerto Rico, then you might often find yourself wondering if you require a passport to visit this island. Do I need a passport to visit Puerto Rico is something that many people debate. But, if you are actually considering a trip to the island, then this is […]

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Effective Billboard Advertising

Billboards are a great medium to use when you really want to get your message to your customers.  Some people think they’re outdated in an increasingly digital world, but there’s a reason they’re still going strong. Everywhere from Times Square to Puerto Rico, they work! However, there are a few key factors worth noting that […]

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Restaurant Billboard Ideas

No matter what industry you are in, you certainly know the importance of marketing and advertising. Effective advertising can help you stand out from the competition. There is perhaps no industry where this is more important than in the restaurant industry. With quite literally millions of options to choose from, people will be drawn to […]

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Why Use Billboards to Advertise?

Billboards have been around for ages. In fact, archaeologists have even found evidence of what they believe to be “ancient billboards” dating back thousands of years. Regardless of your age or where you live, billboards have likely been a part of your life for as long as you can remember. They’ve become such a common […]

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Times Square Billboard Cost

Advertising is so much more than just the act of getting your product out in front of your customers’ eyes – it’s an art that balances psychology, sociology, and style. It’s not only about promoting a product or service on a surface level. Your advertising also communicates your values as a business to whoever sees […]