Welcome to bMedia Group! Our new “Look Up!” campaign invites you to look up to enjoy nature, our sky, and the beauty that surrounds us. Research has proven the value of looking up and disconnecting from technology to enhance life enjoyment.

Together with the Fields of Joy Foundation, we have created this eBook as part of our commitment to promoting actions that improve our outlook on life and mental health.

The eBook explores the vital role of using technology consciously to promote emotional well-being given today’s overwhelming digital environment.

This resource highlights the risks associated with technology misuse, including cybersecurity threats and the mental health impacts of overexposure.

Inside, you’ll discover the definition of digital hygiene and its significance in safeguarding privacy and security while enhancing overall mental wellness. Each chapter offers valuable insights into how excessive technology use affects mental health and provides practical strategies for achieving a healthy balance in both personal and professional environments.

From tackling the challenges of remote work and setting family technology rules to embracing digital detoxes and mindfulness exercises, this eBook equips you with the necessary tools to foster a healthier relationship with technology.

Join us on this journey to “Look Up,” disconnect from the digital distractions, and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. Download now to take the first step toward better digital hygiene and improved mental health!
