Billboard Design Tips
Technology is boosting marketing practices in amazing ways, but outdoor advertising is remaining as strong as ever. From design to development, creating a successful billboard is slightly more complicated than just drawing the idea on a napkin…

Smart Billboards
You’re being watched…we all know that the day would come that robots would invade our world. However, it looks like science fiction was being overly dramatic in a lot of horror stories; they never mentioned how profitable the robots would…

Brand Wars in Marketing
Top brands going head to head with each other through public advertising makes for true legendary marketing. From famous rivalries between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to an all-out ad war with several car manufactures, there's plenty of health brand…

Outdoor Advertising Screens
As far as types of billboard advertising go there are three main classes that make up the industry for outdoor advertising screens: Static, Digital & Prismavision. Most people can intuitively decipher what static and digital outdoor advertising screens represent so we are going to discuss the latter of the three, Prismavision billboards. Prismavision is often referred to as the “three-message sign."

What Makes a Good Billboard
Many often ask us, what makes a good billboard? While there are many different aspects to creating a captivating billboard, there's usually a fixed set of rules that help to gear it up to optimally perform for its intended audience. Typically,…

Media Billboards
If you’re one of the people who believes outdoor media and billboard advertising is outdated in our modern times, you might be wrong. In fact, they’re still a very efficient and successful method of communicating advertising messages, especially in Puerto Rico. As a matter of fact, the most successful companies around the globe use this within their advertising strategies.

Puerto Rico Traffic
Puerto Rico has a population of just under 3.2-million people. For every 1,000 people, out of that population of 3.2-million, 614 own automobiles. The citizens of Puerto Rico rely heavily on automobiles, and this leads to traffic conditions…

Outdoor Advertising
Billboard Media Group is one of Puerto Rico's top providers in outdoor advertising.

Puerto Rico Billboards
Billboard advertising can be a great way to gain awareness for your business...

Measuring Billboard Effectiveness
Depending on whom you ask, billboards conjure different images. Let’s agree for the purpose of this article that, when we talk about billboards, we are referring to those large outdoor structures we normally see along the interstate.

Why Is Billboard Advertising Important
Today, digital advertising is dominating all other forms of advertising, and it looks like that trend is only going to continue. Traditional advertising continues to remain an important aspect of the advertising landscape, though, and that’s…

What to Expect from Billboard Advertising
In 1867, the first billboard was leased. This billboard was used to hold a large advertisement. Since then, billboards have become one of the most popular forms of advertising. They are unique with visual designs, large size, guaranteed audience,…

Amazing Billboard Ads
We are constantly bombarded by messages enticing us to buy something. Look at a website and the next thing that pops up is an array of ads for that item from competing companies. Open your e-mail and there are full-color, animated sales flyers…

Top 5 Beaches in Puerto Rico
When it comes to selecting the top 5 beaches in Puerto Rico, it’s hard to make a choice because Puerto Rico has many fine beaches. There’s also the definition of “best”. Criteria might include any or all of most scenic, safest, best…

History of Billboard Advertising
The first billboards were invented in the 1830s. They became a popular form of advertising in the 1860s. Then, as the 19th century came to a close, the proper format of a billboard was defined and their popularity skyrocketed.
In the…

What is the Best Beach in Puerto Rico?
So you want to know what the best beach in Puerto Rico? No matter where you travel, locals and tourists alike will claim a beach to be the best in the state, or county. All have reasons for their claim. Many are based on their own experiences.

Vote For The Best Beach in Puerto Rico
We need your help to solve a little argument we've been having in the office here at bMedia. What is the best beach in Puerto Rico? Please submit your answer below to help us solve this question. After we compile all the answers, we will create…

DEC Calculator
A DEC calculator can be used to calculate the daily effective circulation or potential billboard exposure for an outdoor media installation in a given location. Please use our DEC Calculator below.
Daily Effective Circulation Calculator

Vintage Billboards
Advertising has evolved much over the ages. Before the advent of cheap, high-quality photo printing, painted illustrations were required to cover the large area of billboards. This meant that vintage billboards were works of art in and of themselves.…