In 1867, the first billboard was leased. This billboard was used to hold a large advertisement. Since then, billboards have become one of the most popular forms of advertising. They are unique with visual designs, large size, guaranteed audience, and the ease in which they can be set up on roads and highways.
Billboard advertising industry began in the late 19th century. It started off slowly. But by 1870, there were around three-hundred bill-posting and sign painting companies. Then, in 1891 the Associated Bill Posters’ Association was founded. This expanded the concept of poster advertising, allowing advertisers to see the potential that the medium offered. Today, billboards have risen to one of the most popular forms of advertising. Below we’re discussing what to expect from billboard advertising.
What Is Billboard Advertising?
When the 20th century began, billboards were a popular form of advertising, but nowhere near as popular as they soon became. With the rise of the automobile, billboards rose to one of the dominant forms of advertising.
Roads and highways were built to accommodate the automobiles that everyone was buying. Billboards were advertising a variety of different products and services on these roads and highways. Everyone saw these billboards as they drove.
Today, billboard advertising is one of the most popular advertising mediums. A billboard is a giant poster that is visible to hundreds of people. Unlike other forms of advertising, billboards always have a sizeable audience. By making the right choices, you might be able to reach the right people at any given time.
- The billboard advertising industry began in the second half of the 19th century
- In the 20th century, billboard advertising became a dominant form of advertising, due to the automobile
- Billboard advertising is one of the most popular forms of advertising in today’s world
- Every billboard is guaranteed to have an audience
What Do You Do Before Purchasing Your Billboard?
Billboards can be costly upfront. You should know what to expect from billboard advertising. For one, you should consider a consultation with a billboard advertising agency. During your consultation, you should finetune the needs of the billboard. You should also investigate your target audience, the proper location, and what your billboard advertisement conveys and expresses.
Purchasing a billboard is a process, and it begins by being aware of your audience, and the exact message that you would like to convey. If those two elements of the process are uncertain, then your billboard will be hard-pressed to succeed.
When you understand those two elements, you can set up a consultation with a billboard advertising agency. Throughout your consultation, you will be able to finetune the individual components of your billboard. These are components include:
- specific audiences that you would like to reach
- the message you are expressing
- placement of your billboard
- what the billboard says and what it looks like.
Once all of that information has been organized, you’ll be able to look at billboards that the consultant feels are right for your business. Make sure to visit each billboard in person, so that you can see what it really looks like, and whether or not people can actually see it as they drive by.
- Make sure you understand the message you need to convey and your target audience
- Setup a consultation and fine-tune the individual components of the billboard, including the design, placement, and specific audience you need to reach
- Visit the billboards your consultant has suggested for you and find one that looks and feels right to you
What Happens Once You Purchase Your Billboard?
When you purchase your billboard, the next step is for you to work with your consultant on designing the billboard advertisement. All of the preparatory work you did earlier is incredibly valuable in this stage of the process.
Earlier, before and during your meeting with the consultant, you finetuned the different aspects of your billboard. Aspects that include your target audience, the message you want the billboard to convey, and the overall design of the billboard.
When you work with your consultant on designing your billboard, all of that information will be put to good use. For the words, you’ll need to keep it short and sweet – six-words or less is ideal – while making sure that you’re saying something that speaks to your target audience, and conveys your intended message.
Words are only a small portion of a billboard, though. Billboards are visual mediums, and you’ll be spending a lot of time working with your consultant on the visual design of your billboard. Every visual element must align with what your audience needs, what you are selling, and the message that you intend to convey.
For example, if you are advertising a motorbike that goes very fast, then you should integrate visual motifs that are related to speed and momentum. That way, the words are a supplement to the visuals, rather than the other way around.
- When you purchase your billboard, it’s time for you to design it
- Make sure your design is in alignment with your audience, what they want, and the message you want to convey
- Focus on making the words a supplement to the visuals; billboard advertising is a visual medium
What Makes A Billboard Effective?
When a billboard is in the right spot, has the right visual design and the right words, and successfully introduces people to your product, that billboard is effective. If a billboard is in the wrong spot, has a clunky visual design and a strange choice of words, that billboard is unable to properly introduce potential customers to what you are selling.
In order for your billboard to be effective, it must be in the right spot, have the right visual design, and the right words. Those elements lead to a billboard that conveys what it is that you are selling, in a manner that ensures that the right people see what you are offering.
If you are advertising designer clothing, you probably wouldn’t want your billboard to be located on a road somewhere deep in rural Puerto Rico. Instead, you would want to place that billboard in a place where people with lots of disposable income will see it.
Examples of Effective Advertising
When advertising that designer clothing, you need your billboard to convey the status and prestige that comes with wearing your clothing. Instead of using a visual design that appears clunky and lacking in polish, use a visual design that comes across as sophisticated and classy.
To make your billboard extra special, you need to use the right words. For designer clothing, you wouldn’t use words such as “affordable” or “inexpensive”, you would use words such as “elegant” and “luxury”.
No matter what you are advertising, make sure that all three of those elements come together. What you should expect from billboard advertising:
- Your billboard must be in the right spot, have the right visual design, and the right words
- Make sure that your billboard is somewhere people can see it, and where the people who will buy your product are likely to see it
- Ensure that the visual design is in alignment with what you are advertising
- Make sure that you use as few words as possible, and that every word has an impact
bMedia Can Assist
For Puerto Rico billboard advertising, bMedia Group has you covered. We have years of backed experience and can help you craft the right message and the winning graphic to help boost your business. Our form of advertising isn’t just effective, it is proven. Contact us today for a consultation and clarification on what to expect from billboard advertising.