In the dynamic realm of business, one of the foremost challenges companies face is expanding their brand’s reach and recognition. “How to Increase Brand Awareness?” is a question that continuously reverberates in boardrooms and marketing departments alike.

In this enlightening article, we will delve into the art and science of enhancing brand visibility. By uncovering effective strategies, innovative techniques, and case studies of successful brand awareness campaigns, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to chart a course toward a more prominent and influential brand presence.

Whether you’re a fledgling startup or a seasoned enterprise, this guide will be your compass to navigate the journey of brand elevation.

importance of brand awareness

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand Awareness is dependent on the consumer’s ability to recollect and recognize a brand and associate it with a particular product or service. It is a term used to describe how aware people are of your brand and what it has to offer.

There are three levels of brand awareness:

  1. Recognition of your name
  2. Familiarity with your products/services
  3. Understanding of your brand characteristics (logo, messaging, etc.)

Understanding Brand Awareness

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and business, a firm grasp of brand awareness is paramount. But before diving into strategies and techniques, it’s crucial to comprehend the concept itself. So, what is brand awareness, and why is it a pivotal factor in your brand’s success?

Defining Brand Awareness:

At its core, brand awareness refers to the degree to which your target audience recognizes and remembers your brand. It’s not just about having a logo or a catchy slogan; it’s about becoming a familiar presence in the minds of consumers. When people can easily identify your brand and associate it with certain qualities or products, you’ve achieved a high level of brand awareness.

The Significance of Brand Awareness:

Brand awareness isn’t merely a vanity metric; it holds immense significance for businesses. It serves as the foundation upon which brand loyalty, customer trust, and long-term success are built. When consumers are familiar with your brand, they are more likely to choose your products or services over competitors, even if they’re presented with other options.

Psychology of Consumer Recognition:

Understanding the psychology behind brand recognition is crucial. Humans are naturally drawn to the familiar and tend to trust what they know. A strong brand presence can create a sense of comfort and reliability, making consumers more inclined to engage with your brand and make purchase decisions.

Importance of Brand Awareness

Brand awareness familiarizes the public with a product and differentiates it from competing brands. Businesses that maintain high levels of brand awareness are likely to generate more revenue because consumers are more likely to buy familiar brand names compared to unknown ones. 59% of customers prefer to buy from brands they already know about.

Brand awareness leads to trust, meaning the more recognition our brand has, the more successful your brand or business will be. It is the foundation of acquiring a customer audience and helping them understand and become comfortable with your products and services — increasing your brand equity.

Ways to Build Brand Awareness

Developing a strategic brand awareness campaign will help familiarize consumers with your brand and product offering. The main goal is to increase knowledge within the target audience but a good campaign will also communicate attributes that differentiate you from your competitors.

Here are some ways to increase brand awareness:

Give your brand a voice

Give your brand a personality and use it to identify with your target audience. Having a distinct tone and voice will help your advertisements stick in the mind of consumers. Be mindful of the words you use. A great example is a slogan, which can help make you easily recognizable or a smart combination of colors that are both memorable and eye-catching.

Take advantage of outdoor advertising

Out-of-home advertising, or OOH, is a great way to put your brand out there. Billboards are a traditional method of advertising, but there’s a reason they’ve been around for so long. They work! Billboards placed strategically in high-traffic areas will expose your brand to thousands of people each day. Unlike commercials or digital ads, they’re there 24 hours a day, exposing your brand to anyone who passes by.

There are many ways to use billboards to increase brand awareness. If enough people see your branding on billboards, the more they will be able to recognize and identify elements of your brand identity such as logo and color scheme. This is also known as brand recognition.

Billboards aren’t just giant static images anymore. We now see innovative billboard features such as QR codes that direct to landing pages. Additionally, smart and captivating messaging can garner social media hype, while smart billboards use both augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) to change and optimize the consumer experience. There’s no doubt you can maximize brand awareness by using billboards.

measuring brand awareness

Common Grammar Mistakes in Advertising

One key aspect of building brand awareness is ensuring that your advertising efforts are professional and error-free. This includes avoiding common grammar mistakes that can undermine your credibility and the effectiveness of your ads. Here are some of the most frequent grammar errors found in advertising and tips to avoid them:

Misplaced Apostrophes

One of the most common mistakes is the misuse of apostrophes. Apostrophes are used to indicate possession or contractions, but they are often incorrectly used to form plurals or omitted when needed.

Example of Incorrect Usage:

  • “Get your car’s washed here.”

Correct Usage:

  • “Get your cars washed here.”

Tip: Always double-check if the apostrophe is used to show possession (the dog’s bone) or a contraction (it’s = it is). Avoid using apostrophes to form plurals.


Incorrect Subject-Verb Agreement

Ensuring that your subjects and verbs agree in number is fundamental to clear communication. Mistakes in subject-verb agreement can make your advertisements look unprofessional.

Example of Incorrect Usage:

  • “The team of experts are ready to help.”

Correct Usage:

  • “The team of experts is ready to help.”

Tip: Identify the true subject of the sentence and make sure the verb agrees in number (singular or plural) with it.

Spelling Errors

Spelling mistakes are perhaps the most obvious and easily avoided errors in advertising. Even a single misspelled word can significantly impact the reader’s perception of your brand.

Example of Incorrect Usage:

  • “Professional advise available.”

Correct Usage:

  • “Professional advice available.”

Tip: Use spell-check tools and have multiple people review your advertisements before they are published.


Avoiding common grammar mistakes is crucial for maintaining your brand’s credibility and increasing brand awareness. By paying attention to detail and ensuring your advertisements are error-free, you can present a professional image that resonates with your audience and reinforces your brand’s message.

Ways to Measure Brand Awareness

Brand Tracking helps businesses measure awareness growth and performance against competitors. It is the ongoing measurement of how well your brand is doing.

Combining different reach/frequency data will help you better visualize how well your awareness campaign is performing, helping you make the best and most informed decision for your business.


This basic but useful form of measurement will provide you with the metrics needed to determine the trajectory of your campaign. A survey can be conducted through email, website, or telephone. Ask existing customers how they came to know about your brand to understand how people are hearing about you. You can also gain insight into how much people can recall your brand by randomly selecting survey participants and asking them if they are familiar with your brand.

Measure Website Traffic

Website traffic provides insightful data on brand awareness. Tools like Google Analytics can track how many people visited your website. To dive deeper into the detail, the application also allows you to view where your visits are coming from. With Google Analytics, you’ll be able to track whether your visitors are coming through organic search, direct visits (the number of people who type your URL into their address bar), social media, or through referral (links from other sites that direct visitors to your site). Keeping an eye on these trends will help you monitor changes in your brand awareness campaign.

Check Organic Social Growth

2.32 million Puerto Ricans use social media each day. A great way to measure your awareness is to monitor your social media following. How many new and organic followers did you get after the launch of your campaign? Are your posts gaining more likes and shares? Look into what people are saying about your brand online. What are consumers saying about your brand or product? Social media users tend to be more unsolicited, which means they are likely to be more honest compared to other data recording methods such as surveys.

measuring advertising success

Increase Brand Awareness with bMedia Group

bMedia Group is Puerto Rico’s leading marketing agency. We can help you take advantage of marketing opportunities to help further expose your brand.

Outdoor advertising is our specialty. Through our work, we aim to highlight what you offer while providing a memorable experience for the consumer. We currently have a real estate of over 500 high-exposure billboards on the island. We are confident in our ability to get your brand the recognition it needs for optimum growth and success.

Contact us today, our professionals will help you strategize, execute, and maximize your brand awareness on the island.